Volunteer Terms

Competitive Swimming is a sport that requires volunteers to run. For each session of a swim meet, there are approximately 40 volunteers working on deck and more have done work in the lead up to the competition. We need volunteers to help run the swim meets - both ones we host and those we attend. As the largest club in Nova Scotia, we usually have 30-50% of the swimmers attending and have a responsibility to help out. 

In addition, our club requires volunteers to help with governance, planning and executing social events, fundraising as well as supporting the head coach with equipment and travel arrangements. 

By registering, you are accepting your commitment under our Volunteer Requirements Policy.. Please read the full policy here.

Key Items:

  • Families who do not earn their points by the end of their session or season (group dependent) will be billed $50 for each unearned point
  • Families are accountable for ensuring that all their volunteer efforts are recorded in the HTAC PoolQ system. To check, login, go to My Account and click the Job Credits tile.
  • Discrepancies should be sent to office@htac.ca within 14 days of the volunteer effort.

While paying the point equivalent is an option for all families, we would rather have your help!