Club Model

The Halifax Trojan Aquatic Club has updated its club model to better align ith changes in the National Swimming Program for 2024-2028. The model continues to focus on age appropriate training. The objective of this restructuring is to continue to provide dedicated coaching that will appropriately guide your athletes through a program tailored to their physical and mental development.


Trojan Values

During the 2022-2023 season, Trojan swimmers went through workshops to determine some positive values that they identify with and wish to emmulate. We believe that if all members of the Trojan community live by Respectful, Supportive, and Competetive values, it will help us on our path towards achieving our fullest potential!

Coaching Communication

The role of a Lead coach is to instruct each group using their own creativity and experience, while following HTAC's Club Model. Coaches within the same program (Senior/Junior/Academy) also take time to discuss their on-deck experiences and share ideas and techniques to help grow the strength of our staff from within!

Key Squad Measurements

There are some key measurements that exist throughout every squad in our club. Coaches believe each Trojan can be respectful, supportive, and competetive with their teammates at all levels of commitment.

Movement Between Squads

Throughout the season, the coaching staff will monitor swimmers and ensure they are in the appropriate training squad. Swimmers who don’t meet or who surpass the necessary key measurements of thier current squad may be transferred to a more appropriate training squad at any point during the season, pending space availability. Transfers are at the discretion of the coaching staff.

Maintaining Squad Placement

Swimmers of every squad will be reviewed on a continuous basis. All key measurements should be continuously met.

Age Out

Sometimes swimmers will time out of a squad in August of any given season. Please read the group descriptions in our Program Information to stay up to date with your swimmer's status.